Compensation Plan

As you begin your doTERRA® business, it can be hard to figure out how the compensation plan works. There is no real substitute for having your upline or another doTERRA mentor explain it to you, but to help, we have compiled this commissions frequently asked questions page.
1. What is the Unilevel?
The Unilevel is a sponsor based bonus received monthly along with the Power of 3, Retail, and Preferred Member bonuses. You can receive Unilevel on up to seven levels of your organization. The minimum requirement to earn Unilevel is to have at least a 50 PV order placed during the month you want to earn commission. This way, you will earn 2 percent only from your first level. But, to qualify as a higher rank and earn Unilevel on anyone beyond your first level, you must have an LRP order of 100 PV or more.
2. When are commissions paid?
All bonuses except Fast Start come once a month between the 15th and 20th. Fast Start is paid on a weekly basis. It comes on the Wednesday of the week after you enroll someone.
3. Why am I not receiving my Unilevel bonus?
One of the more common reasons you have not yet received unilevel commissions is that unilevel is not paid on the volume of a Wellness Advocate during their first 60 days of enrollment. That volume is instead paid as Fast Start commission to the enrollers three levels up. Once the first 60 days of enrollment are up, the bonus paid switches from Fast Start (paid to the enroller) to Unilevel (paid according to the sponsor tree). Fast Start only applies to the enroller and then next two enrollers above them, if each leader individually qualifies by having a monthly 100 PV LRP order. If you still have questions about why you are not receiving Unilevel, please call Member Services at 800-411-8151.
4. What does dynamic compression mean?
Dynamic compression, or compressed organizational volume, means that you are guaranteed to be paid based on the first seven levels of your team. If a Wellness Advocate does not meet monthly requirements to earn Unilevel commissions on their downline, the earnings will roll up to the next qualifying Wellness Advocate.
• Wellness Advocate A is sponsored by Wellness Advocate B, who is sponsored by Wellness Advocate C.
• Wellness Advocate A places a 100 PV order (after their first 60 days of enrollment).
• Wellness Advocate B does not order any product that month. Therefore, B does not qualify to earn any Unilevel commission.
• The 2 percent commission that Wellness Advocate B would have earned on A’s order is rolled up and paid to the next qualifying Wellness Advocate, Wellness Advocate C.
What happens to the team members enrolled or sponsored when an upline team member leaves the company?
When a team member leaves the company and terminates their account, then the people below them will move up in your structure. However, the account must be terminated, otherwise it will take six months of inactivity for the account to then disappear.
What if a Wellness Advocate that I enrolled chose not to enter their social security number, and they end up qualifying for commission? Will they not receive commission?
When a Wellness Advocate hits $350 in earnings, or $4,000 in purchases, they will be sent an Automated email informing them that they must provide a Social Security number for 1099 purposes. If they do not provide a Social Security number, and they hit $400 in earnings or $4,500 in purchases, they will be placed on the “Restricted AR” list. Once on the Restricted AR list, the member will not be able to receive commissions or points, nor can they receive product until they enter their social security number.
What are the requirements to earn each commissions bonus?
For any of the bonuses, you must meet the set amounts of monthly PV, OV, and Leg Requirements:
Unilevel: Meet your monthly PV (Personal Volume), OV (Wellness Advocate’s volume plus their team), and Leg Requirements for your rank. (Leg Requirements= the rank of personally enrolled qualified legs in your downline.)
Power of 3: To earn the first $50 bonus, three people on your frontline must place 100 PV LRP orders, and your OV (team volume) must be at least 600 PV or more.
Fast Start: You earn five to 20 percent of the orders of new people that you enroll within their first 60 days.
Preferred Member Bonus: You will earn 15 percent of the combined volume of all Preferred Member orders.
Retail Customer Bonus: You will earn 25 percent (the difference between retail and wholesale) off of all Retail customer