No matter what direction your conversation with a new prospect takes, the destination should always be the same: CLOSING!
Whether you’re selling a product or signing up a new rep, closing is an ESSENTIAL skill in the network marketing business!
How many times have you had what felt like a promising lead suddenly go cold in a conversation? Or got a mountain of excuses from a once eager prospect?
I thought so. It’s SO annoying, and even worse, it’s a waste of time and a hit to your productivity.
Take the stress out of sales we have awesome training within our doTERRA team as long as you apply it with the right approach you cannot fail. The mindset is GO FOR NO
Emphasize the value of your products or service with step-by-step strategies that we can help with but you have to put the work in too!
Melt resistance with your communication and focus on opportunities for potential reps!
If you are looking to join an amazing company within an amazing team then look no further, book a call with me today here
