Stephen Hawking suffered from a progressive motor neuron disease like ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease), which has progressed over the years and left him almost entirely paralyzed.
The death of renowned British physicist at his home in Cambridge was announced by a family spokesman in the early hours of Today. He will be sorely missed my many.
He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humour inspired people across the world.
Today I had been researching the condition and anyone you know that could be suffering this dreadful debilitating illness. I have been looking at various articles and research had shown Lou Gehrig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative condition that affects nerve cells within the brain and the spinal cord.
The particular nerve cells affected are the motor neuron cells that control the voluntary muscles. ALS essentially causes a person to lose control of certain functions, making it increasingly more difficult to perform ordinary bodily movements and functions. The cause of ALS is generally unknown, though in a small percentage of cases, it can be traced to a genetic predisposition.
Frankincense oil (Boswellia serrata) aids in oxygenation of blood to the brain, and this effect can aid in oxygen absorption to deteriorating cells, and as a result, the ability of the brain to function, process and also heal. Frankincense oil also contains susquepertines, which have the ability to go beyond the blood/brain barrier act to increase oxygenation of the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain, allowing for ideal balance of emotion-regulating and memory-stimulating hormones.
How to use frankincense oil for Lou Gehrig’s disease:
Diffuse frankincense oil in a oil diffuser throughout the day. The diffusion of the oil creates a warm and invigorating scent that rouses the mind and allows for an increased ability to retain and utilize information.
For use topically, add a few drops to fractionated coconut oil or lotion and rub on any desired part of the body.
Add a few drops to the bridge of the nose, behind the ears, on the back of the neck, to reflex points such as the inside of the wrists, between the toes and on the bottoms of feet.
For a quick brain boost, place a few drops on palms or a handkerchief, rub together, hold to nose and mouth, and breathe in deeply.
A great way if you know the oils are certified Therapeutic Grade oils and not ones from the high street a great way to use is by placing one drip on your finger and apply to the inside the roof of your mouth at the top this is a very highly effective and fast way to use.
Add 10 drops to a warm bath or shower, both morning and night.
When you hear of such a incredible, intelligent, humorous and clever man go through the degenerative illness he had and go on to live to the age he did it is really time to reflect on our own lives. We may not have the nice cars or the big houses or go on those expensive holidays every year. We need to stop and perhaps look at people there are plenty who suffer with all types of illnesses and diseases who may be in such more of a worse position than ourselves. Stephen Hawkings may have had the money the big house with a legacy estimated at $20 million (£14.3 million) but wonder if he could swap places with ourselves and have a quality of life maybe you and I even have, but would he have swapped. I know myself I would.
The quote below is so true and in times like this it really hits home how lucky some of us are and how we take our lives for granted.

God bless, fly high with the angels, you will be the brightest star in the sky tonight.
(8th January 1942 – 14th March 2018)
This information is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to prescribe, treat, prevent, or diagnose any disease or condition. As always, before you begin any sort of regimen using essential oils
#als #essentialoils #cptgoils #LouGehrigDisease #doterraoils #doterrafreesample #StephenHawkingsandALS #doterramagicoils #motivation #Mindset #mindsetmatters #whatisanessentialoils #doterraessentialoils #whatisamyotrophiclateralsclerosis #motorneuronedisease #Frankincense #naturesmagicoils #StephenHawkings #thekingofoils