I know I have not posted for a few weeks but my mum was taken into hospital 11 days ago and my whole time and thoughts are devoted to her at present.
She never had a accident apart from going on a walk and the next day she couldn’t stand or walk without being in serious agony. As you might expect this has been a terrifying experience for her and our family.
After a MRI and x-ray it appears one of her discs around her L2 has come out of alignment. They hoping rest along with physio will sort this out if not a operation may be needed.
It’s been 11 days and hardly any physio, but through her strength and determination she moving her legs frequently and marching when sitting to keep the oxygen flowing.
She has been finding it very hard sleeping on the ward so have given her serenity to help her sleep which thank God helped her untold and been sleeping well.
I have been using a blend called balance which has helped her which is used to bring harmony to the mind and body. Ho Wood, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile can ease anxious feelings which she been having as the thought of a operation terrifies her, while Frankincense provides a grounding, balancing effect on emotions and i do see a big difference in her.
I have ordered some multitude of oils as making up some blends to help with this so will be making this blend up when I get my delivery.
10 drops rosemary
10 drops peppermint.
5 drops eucalyptus.
5 drops ginger.
2 tablespoons carrier oil
I am going to try her with some bergamot to help her as she can get very down as you can imagine. From being a active, healthy mum to this has been hard to adapt to.
I still live and breathe doterra not only have they helped her but myself included. We have to stay strong for her. I know she will be back home sooner or later and will keep you updated on her recovery…
