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What is the Emotional Freedom Techniques?

Writer: NikkiNikki

The Emotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT, is the psychological acupressure technique to optimize your emotional health. Although it is still often overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing — no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body’s ideal healing and preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way.

EFT can help

  1. Remove Negative Emotions

  2. Reduce Food Cravings

  3. Reduce or Eliminate Pain

  4. Implement Positive Goals

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over 5,000 years, but without the invasiveness of needles. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem — whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. — and voice positive affirmations.

This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation works to clear the “short-circuit” — the emotional block — from your body’s bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and body’s balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.

Some people are initially wary of these principles that EFT is based on — the electromagnetic energy that flows through the body and regulates our health is only recently becoming recognized in the West. Others are initially taken aback by (and sometimes amused by) the EFT tapping and affirmation methodology.

EFT location and method

EFT is all in the fingertips and uses light tapping method.

When you tap on the points see below, you will tap about five to seven times. The actual number is not critical, but ideally should be about the length of time it takes for one full breath. There is probably a distinct benefit for tapping through one complete respiration cycle.

Please notice that these tapping points proceed down the body. That is, each tapping point is below the one before it. That should make it a snap to memorise. A few trips through it and it should be yours forever. However, unlike TFT, the sequence is not critical. You can tap the points in any order and sequence, just so long as all the points are covered. It just is easier to go from top to bottom to make sure you remember to do them all.

Using EFT method and Affirmations with the Law of Attraction is very powerful

Therapeutic quality essential oils help attract money and abundance by raising the bio-frequency of the body, mind and spirit. Frequency is a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. Every living being has an electrical frequency according to many scientists. Essential oils have the highest frequencies several times greater than the frequencies of herbs and fresh foods. Using essential oils provides a natural way to increase the body’s electrical frequency.

Essential oils stay in the body from about 20 minutes to 2 hours. When rubbed onto the foot, they will distribute to every cell in the body in 21 minutes. Essential oils are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and are most quickly absorbed by inhalation & Emotional Freedom Technique is powerful for clearing negative emotions around money and all negative emotions.

Spiritual Properties of Some of the Money Magnet’s Essential Oils

Ginger: Increases bio-electric energy. It is used for prosperity, wealth and abundance.

Patchouli: Patchouli is associated with all the abundance and prosperity that the earth has to offer us.

Frankincense:has been used for centuries in spiritual ceremonies.

Myrrh: Enhances and strengthens spirituality.

Lavender: Restores energy balance to mind and body.

Pine: The clean, crisp green fragrance of pine is removes negative energy and increases opportunities.

Black Pepper: Creates a whirlwind of positive energy surrounding your body.

Lemon: Disperses confusion and eases worry. Releases doubt and increases feelings of security. Alleviates fear and clears negative vibration.

Cedarwood: Produces a spiritual vibration which purifies and grounds the body. Purge negative energy from people and places.

Ylang Ylang: Calms anger and transforms energy into positive feelings Orange: Increases physical and bio-electrical energy. Promotes feelings of joy!

Affirmation phrases to use whilst doing EFT

The traditional EFT phrase uses the following setup:

“Even though I have this _____________,

I deeply and completely accept myself.”

You can also substitute this as the second part of the phrase:

“I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

The blank above is filled in with a brief description of the addiction, food craving, negative emotion or other problem you want to address.

Examples Using the Traditional EFT Phrasing

While these examples represent a range of problems, keep in mind there really is no limit to the types of issues you can confront with EFT:

“Even though I have this fear of public speaking, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have this headache, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have this anger towards my father, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have this war memory, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have this stiffness in my neck, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have these nightmares, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have this craving for alcohol, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have this fear of snakes, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

“Even though I have this depression, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Other EFT Phrase Options

You can also try these other phrase variations. All of these affirmations are correct because they follow the same general format. That is… they acknowledge the problem and create self-acceptance despite the existence of the problem. That is what’s necessary for the affirmation to be effective.

You can use any of them, but I suggest you use the recommended one above because it is easy to memorize and has a good track record at getting the job done.

“I accept myself even though I have this_________.”


“Even though I have this ____________, I deeply and profoundly accept myself.”


“I love and accept myself even though I have this_______________.”

Interesting Points About the Affirmation Statements

It doesn’t matter whether you believe the affirmation or not… just say it.

It is better to say it with feeling and emphasis, but saying it routinely will usually do the job.

It is best to say it out loud, but if you are in a social situation where you prefer to mutter it under your breath… or do it silently… then go ahead. It will still likely be effective.

To add to the effectiveness of the affirmation, The Setup also includes the simultaneous tapping on one of the acupuncture meridian points.

Tuning in is seemingly a very simple process. You merely think about the problem while applying the tapping. That’s it… at least in theory.

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

Negative emotions come about because you are tuned in to certain thoughts or circumstances, which in turn, cause your energy system to disrupt.

Otherwise, you function normally. One’s fear of heights is not present, for example, while one is reading the comic section of the Sunday newspaper and therefore not tuned in to the problem.

Tuning in to a problem can be done by simply thinking about it. In fact, tuning in means thinking about it.

Thinking about the problem will bring about the energy disruptions involved which then… and only then… can be balanced by applying The Basic Recipe.

Without tuning in to the problem, thereby creating those energy disruptions, EFT does nothing.

Putting It All Together First Round of Tapping

Now you will need to tap on each of the points described above while you are stating the positive affirmation. This will only take a few moments to do.

You should:

Select an appropriate affirmation

Carefully “tune in” to your problem by actually trying to hold the problem in your thought

State the affirmations in a loud voice with great passion, energy and enthusiasm

If you do this while tapping the points described earlier, it is highly likely you will notice a major decrease in the issue or problem that you were tapping on. If your problem or issue resolves completely, you are done with the tapping.

Remove Your Glasses and Watch Prior to Tapping

Glasses and watches can mechanically and electromagnetically interfere with EF, so I advise everyone to remove them prior to tapping. For quick sessions conducted upon yourself, this is not critical, as you can easily tap around them, but I think there is always a benefit to removing them when possible.

Using EFT in Public: Eliminating Any Embarrassment

Many people are concerned about embarrassing themselves by using EFT in public, especially when implementing my revision of it, which really makes one stand out in a crowd.

After a while of using and perfecting the technique — in private quarters, if you prefer — you will be able to use only two fingers of one hand, and to say the affirmation softly under your breath or silently. This way you can do EFT in just about any social setting, and if people even notice what you are doing at all, it will appear to them that you are merely thinking.

The tapping points, and their abbreviations, are explained below, They are presented below in the exact order in which they should be tapped.

1. Top of the Head (TH)

With fingers back-to-back down the center of the skull.

2. Eyebrow (EB)

Just above and to one side of the nose, at the beginning of the eyebrow.

3. Side of the Eye (SE)

On the bone bordering the outside corner of the eye.

4. Under the Eye (UE)

In the bone under an eye about 1 inch below your pupil.

5. Under the Nose (UN)

On the small area between the bottom of your nose and the top of your upper lip.

6. Chin (Ch)

Midway between the point of your chin and the bottom of your lower lip. Even though it is not directly on the point of the chin, we call it the chin point because it is descriptive enough for people to understand easily.

7. Collar Bone (CB)

The junction where the sternum (breastbone), collarbone and the first rib meet. This is a very important point and in acupuncture is referred to as K (kidney) 27. To locate it, first place your forefinger on the U-shaped notch at the top of the breastbone (about where a man would knot his tie). From the bottom of the U, move your forefinger down toward the navel 1 inch and then go to the left (or right) 1 inch. This point is referred to as Collar Bone even though it is not on the collarbone (or clavicle) per se.

8. Under the Arm (UA)

On the side of the body, at a point even with the nipple (for men) or in the middle of the bra strap (for women). It is about 4 inches below the armpit.

9. Wrists (WR)

The last point is the inside of both wrists.

Using Essential Oils whilst tapping can really help

To use essential oils with EFT, just put a couple drops of the essential oil on your fingertips and on the karate chop point before you begin tapping. The oil will be carried to all the other points as you tap. Put the oils on yoir fingertips and the karate chop point of your hand see picture

Please ensure you either dilute with fractionated coconut oil and avoid putting the oils to close to the eye area as will sting

  1. Lavender Oil for Relaxation

  2. Peppermint Oil for Motivation

  3. Lemon Oil for Gratitude & Joy

  4. Wild Orange for abundance




Dr draxe



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