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Absolutely Disgusted at reading this!!! Comes with a Health Warning!!!

Writer: NikkiNikki

I am guilty of thinking this when I purchase products for my family and to see and discover this I am absolutely disgusted. I am so relieved I am now starting to live a toxix-free home.

I bet you didn’t know this, It’s almost unbelievable!! The science is there but the awareness is not..

This Johnson & Johnson product below is rated a 10 for carcinogenicity, developmental & reproductive toxicity, and ranks high for allergies & immunotoxocities… unbelievable!! I used this product all the time with my kids not now.

It would appear we’re potentially bathing babies in cancer causing products and killing their fertility!

There is NO ONE testing these products for safety before they go on to the shelves…

Less than 15% of the chemicals in our personal care and cleaning products have been tested for safety!

We think if a product is on a store shelf then it must be safe, right!? Surely, they wouldn’t allow chemicals that cause cancer in products we use on our babies, right!? Wrong!

Our little ones don’t get to choose! But we do. And we vote with our £££ or $$$$ every time we purchase what we bring into our home.

If you haven’t downloaded the Think Dirty App, go do it now!

Please feel free to share… sharing is caring…

If you would like to purchase safe and natural products from a company you can trust and get a massive 25% off #doTERRA all pure natural and 100% safe please contact me for more info


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