Hope you all have had an amazing Xmas and ready to take on the new year. Ater a well deserved break off from business and blogging it’s given me some time for me and planning.
2019 For me it’s all about lifestyle change, detoxing from life’s distractions. Getting focused, staying on target and accepting failure as a step towards success. No new year resolutions but lifestyle changes……. no hyped up BS but being realistic. A goal I need to hit is gaining strength in my back and a little exercise daily to strengthen it without over doing it due to lack of movement in my pelvis and lower back the lbs are piling on and need to address my back to keep me on track…… I find this hard as being a sufferer of OCD since very young. I need to channel this in a positive way constructively as I tend to over do things as I get to over my focused of this makes sense……
I can honestly say I have not over indulged this Christmas, hardly eaten or drank but one thing I do like to do is detox in January not for weightloss but only way to achieve a healthier lifestyle and set things off on a good path.
I will be putting a plan up off how, what and when I be doing over the next 30 days feel free to join in at end of the day a detox don’t have to start on 1st January can start whenever you like….
Happy New Year.
