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Daily protocol on the Keto Diet

Writer: NikkiNikki

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

Loads of people are asking me about what I’m doing to help lose weight so here is what I do. I use our Life Long Vitality Supplements everyday which helps for my all round nutritional health and in my water I add 2 drops of lemon, wild orange, grapefruit oil to make it interesting. Feel free to message me regarding these supplements and oils.

I  reducer  my carbs sticking at 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs but the magic is the coffee.

I use myfitnesspal app which  is great to keep eye on my macro nutrients  a very good app.

The magic of all are 2 magic pieces I found that have made it a lot easier and works for me.

1tbsp MCT oil start at 5ml then increase every 5 days (can buy from Amazon)

Premium C8 MCT Oil | Boosts Ketones 3X More Than Other MCTs | Highest Purity C8 MCT Available 99.8% | Paleo & Vegan Friendly | Gluten Free | BPA-Free Plastic Bottle | Pure Caprylic Acid |

1 tbsp unsalted grassfed butter (can use full fat whipping cream) I use organic GHEE f

Have this Bullet Proof Coffee at 8am then stick to low carb meals (KETO)

I dont eat breakfast, first meal I have is around 12 but dont eat after 8pm I stop food at 6pm i might reducing down to eating over 4 hr window as intermittent fasting works well with this 18 hrs is ideal

Side effects Keto flu, headaches, tummy ache, diarrhea, muscle ache, lethargy, low energy but apart from headaches im ok as take the LLV supplements so I have been good.

Its fabulous i never feel hungry and have so much energy its unreal..

Testing to see if in ketosis you can buy these (test in the morning)

Ketone Keto Urine Test Strips. Lose Weight, Look and Feel Fabulous on a Low Carb Ketogenic Diet. Get Your Body Back! Accurately Measure Your Fat Burning Ketosis Levels in 15 Seconds. 125 Strips

People have said to use the blood monitors but as long as it’s going purple your in KETOSIS BABY

My sugar replacement I’m using is 100% Natural Erythritol 1 Kg | Granulated ZERO Calorie Sugar Replacement

I have use Stevia drops it’s ok but leaves slight bitter aftertaste.

If you have health issues see a Doctor beforehand but I don’t go for all the high bad fats, I’m opting for oily fish, salads, eggs, meat I’m loving the bacon, some fruit need to careful with hidden carbs, peanut butter, leafy veggies, avocado, salad, berries are best in moderation with whipped cream, if you love cooking you can have so much on this way of eating. VERY VERY IMPORTANT – Drink at least minimum 2L of water a day

Much love, keep reading  x


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