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Writer: NikkiNikki

Recently was sent this video below which is extremely interesting where the most talked about oil COPAIBA

Copaiba, an oil from copaiba trees in the Amazon rainforest. The tree, copaifera officinalis, is native to Central and South America and grows about 30 to 40 meters high.

Some of the harvesters are second and third generation, and are deeply proud of their work. The resin is mostly harvested between January and June, when the water is highest. The harvesters then go to mature trees they have found in the forest to tap the oleoresin, not unlike the way maple sap is harvested. The harvester drills into the trunk in one spot; the first time only a small amount of resin will be collected. The hole is then sealed off with woods. Six months later, about one liter of resin will be produced from the tree, which contains about 50 percent Copaiba oil.

Copaiba oil is quickly becoming a fast favorite on par with Frankincense because of its many uses. Much of this comes down to the chemistry behind Copaiba essential oil which contains a high level of beta-caryophyllene—the highest levels known to the essential oil world to date. This is very significant because, according to European scientists, beta-caryophyllene has cannabinoid-like properties. Like many other cannabinoids and terpenes, beta-caryophyllene targets the body’s CB2 receptors. But, it altogether ignores the CB1 receptors that are involved in creating the high associated with cannabis and the THC cannabinoid. Put more plainly, the benefits of Copaiba essential oil have the potential to profoundly impact the endocannabinoid system and support healthy cell growth.

So what is the difference between CBD and Copaiba Oil

Cannabidiol or CBD oil as we know is very popular recently I myself have used this and had sent over from the states a very costly affair. It does seem everywhere I go, people keep telling me all about this miracle oil that does wonderful things like ease acute discomfort, reduce emotional tension etc

There’s a huge amount of controversy, and even more opinions, these days about medical marijuana, CBD oil and products that contain THC so let’s start with some definitions….

Cannabinoids: Any chemical compound that affects one or both cannabinoid receptors in the human body, CB1 or CB2. Some cannabinoids are legal (CBD and those found in essential oils) and some, like THC from cannabis/marijuana, are not (this is what gets you high and shows up on a blood test)

There are Mainly 3 types of Cannabinoids

CBD or CannaBiDiol, is a naturally occurring component of the cannabis and hemp plants. CBD made from hemp has a low concentration around 2-4%. If derived from cannabis/marijuana CBD has a higher concentration around 5-30%. All CBD extractions contain some amount of THC (the part of the plant that makes you feel high) though some are low enough to be legal in our country. The benefits include pain relief, reduces anxiety, effective against cancer, treats seizures and other neurological issues, prevention of diabetes through lower insulin levels and promotes cardiovascular health. This is the power of cannabinoids

THC, or TetraHydroCannabinol, is also a naturally occurring compound in the cannabis plant. This is the party of the plant that makes people feel high when they smoke marijuana or use products that contain THC. Supplements that contain THC are only legal in some countries. THC resembles another cannabinoid naturally produced in our brains, anandamide, which regulates our mood, sleep, memory, and appetite. Also the reason THC makes you relaxed … and hungry.

BCP, or Beta-CaryoPhyllene, is the dietary cannabinoid found in Copaiba oil. Not only is it in Copaiba essential oil its in very high amounts – 60%!!! While this is a different type of cannabinoid than CBD it directly affects the same CB2 receptors in amazing ways and is present in a much higher amount. It’s also found in lower levels in other essential oils, in lower amounts, like Black Pepper and Melissa.

What are cannabinoid receptors?

We all have cannabinoid receptors in our bodies are very important. They are found all over the body, in the brain, organs, tissues, glands and immune cells. In each tissue, the cannabinoid system performs different tasks, but the goal is always the same: homeostasis

We have two different types of receptors – CB1 and CB2.

CB1, predominantly present in the nervous system, connective tissues, gonads, glands, and organs; and CB2, predominantly found in the immune system and its associated structures. Many tissues contain both CB1 and CB2 receptors, each linked to a different action.

The CB1 receptors are the ones that THC interacts with and causes psychotropic effects.

The CB2 receptors are the ones that do not make you “high” when affected. These are the target when using CBD oil and Copaiba essential oil. CBD actually indirectly interacts with CB2 receptors while the main constituent of Copaiba interacts directly. CB2 receptors are found mostly in the immune system, and they seem to reduce inflammation and certain kinds of pain.

So in summary CBD vs Copaiba oil

THC comes from the cannabis or hemp plants. It is completely illegal in UK and only allowed in half the states of America

CBD oil from hemp contains only trace amounts of THC and is legal in all many countries with the exception of the UK by the end of 2018 the only way to get CBD OIL will be on prescription from your Drs which makes Copaiba a fantastic natural alternative.

CBD Oil does not make you high but it does help with neurological issues, pain and more by indirectly interacting with CB2 receptors in the body.

BCP, caryophyllene, is a cannabinoid found in very high levels in Copaiba and it interacts directly with CBP receptors When taken internally, the BCP in Copaiba possesses strong antioxidant properties, promotes healthy cellular function, may help support immune function while supporting overall circulatory health, and may help support the health of the gastrointestinal tract and colon.

Copaiba essential oil (with all its constituents) may help keep the mouth, teeth, and gums clean and healthy looking. Topically applied Copaiba oil may also help keep the skin clean and clear while helping to reduce the appearance of blemishes.

Also if Copaiba is taken internally may help to support uterine health and ease menstruation which was was interested to read. So in summary

To finally point out CBD vs Copaiba oil. Copaiba is:

  1. Much less expensive than CBD

  2. 100% drug free with zero risk of containing THC and 100% legal Not from the cannabis plant so using Copaiba has 0% chance of affecting a drug test


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