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My Story -Health over Wealth anytime for me

Writer: NikkiNikki

Good morning all,

My Quote of the day!

Your greatest wealth is your health

This quote is something I was told so many times before and never really understood it until now.

Going through the last 4 months I completely understand where the people that cared for me were coming from.

Always think health it’s the only thing that is there until you die. If your not healthy and firing on all cylinders then your not much use to anyone. Money comes and goes that’s a fact but if your not healthy what is the point. It’s a hard fact to address but it is very true. If your car goes wrong people don’t think twice to get the money to fix it and they always find it somewhere, if your desperate for a night out on the booze people find the money, people should draw the same conclusion for their health.

I had a serious injury at work something that has happened and set me back 4 months off work and is going to be a journey that will have it’s own conclusion whether I like it or not, it may not be the best conclusion for me but something I have to really think about whilst my body is healing.

I was introduced to essential oils to help cope with the discomfort amongst other issues it has helped me with. I was in which words won’t ever describe the discomfort I was in was indescribable. I’m managing to cope with the issue by using the oils which when you been on tramadol, cocodamol, diazepam, naproxen and morphein and nearly wasn’t hear to tell this story the oils for me personally have SAVED MY LIFE.

I need to point out this is NOT A MEDICAL CLAIM and may not work for everyone but for me it’s been LIFE-CHANGING. The issue is still there and my magic oils as i like to call them won’t cure this but it’s helping me cope on a daily basis. I had to think long and hard and go privately to get my injury addressed as the NHS route was not helping or addressing the issue quick enough, yes it’s costing me money each week more than I would like to spend and yes I could spend that elsewhere but I choose HEALTH OVER WEALTH. I do have a long way to go as it’s impacted a great deal on my back to top it all off. So dealing with my neck and shoulder where the injury happened and my back this has to be sorted there is no question about it now so been having MCT (McTimonary) this last month and has helped me so much.

So before you put your hand in your pocket to buy that take away, night out, new wardrobe, flashy holiday think of your HEALTH that your neglecting and the people around you that see you suffering on perhaps daily/weekly/monthly basis are those luxuries really that important. Think health not wealth it’s a NO BRAINER to me.

Have an amazing day, take care and god bless xx xx


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