Known as a popular cooking spice, Oregano also acts as a powerful cleansing agent, and offers powerful antioxidants*—extending its uses far beyond the kitchen.
Treating foot or nail fungus:
Put a few teaspoons of our oregano oil in a basin of water and soak your feet in it. You can apply the oil with a carrier oil, on the skin or nails as well. This will help alleviate any kind of skin fungus.
Terminate parasites and infections:
With it’s unique anti-parasite properties, it is one of the best natural tools to deal with parasites & infections. Dilute the oil, and place it under your tongue. Hold it there for a few minutes, and then rinse it out.
Stop all colds completely: All you need to do is put a few drops of our oregano oil in a pot of steaming water. Afterwards, inhale the steam, and this will combat anything internal, and remove your cold.
Respiratory and immune system health: Bolster your immune system with oregano oil, as a 100% natural tool. It is known for helping prevent and treat a vast number of infections.
Relieve any bites and rashes from the body: Apply oregano oil diluted with a carrier oil on an affected area, to alleviate and help combat any bite\rash, including poisonous ones.
