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Why become a DOTERRA wholesaler / Wellness Advocate?

Writer: NikkiNikki

You might be thinking exactly what I thought when I was introduced to these amazing magic oils and believe you me I was and said the same “But I just want to buy oils – I don’t want to sign up to ANYTHING! Just please just give me the oils!”. OK – but let me first explain the benefits (and pretty much ZERO risk) of starting a wholesale account:

No monthly order required (unless you join dōTerra’s Loyalty Rewards Program, which in my opinion, is the best way to build your oil collection)

Option to receive 10-30% of your total purchase back in FREE product points (on top of the 25% discount) to order FREE oil (and don’t we all love freebies?)

Eligibility to receive dōTERRA’s FREE Product of the Month (again – FREEBIES!)

My ongoing 1 to 1  support. This includes: a free 20 minute Skype wellness consultation to help get you set up with an account and to select the right oils for you;

A free consultation once your oils have arrived to make sure you know how to use them and get the best out of them.

Access to our Facebook group where you can ask any and all questions, share your experiences, and be supported by many other wonderful people on their oily journey!

Whether you are wanting to use these little beauties for personal use, or to get your oils for free and make some extra cash, getting a wholesale account is really a no-brainer.


Don’t panic if you don’t have much experience with essential oils. There are so many resources to help (easily) guide you on your journey that I am more than happy to share with you. So here are your options

1. Buy a wholesale yearly membership about £28

Then you can choose any oils, blends, or consumables to create a custom order whenever you like AND you can purchase dōTERRA products at a discounted price (a minimum 25% discount). There are no other requirements with this option. No monthly fee or purchase required. To keep your wholesale pricing, you just need to buy 1 item every year (and even if you’re only using one oil, that should be pretty easy) the renewal fee is £15 and a free complimentary oil so pretty much free, how great is that

Option 2 (the better option): Purchase a starter kit to kick off your membership.

The wholesale membership fee is waived! You then save 25% to 55% on all future orders. How amazing is that

In 1 year doTERRA will charge you £15 (approx) to renew your account, but they will also GIFT you a FREE bottle of peppermint oil worth pretty much the same (so renewal is pretty much free…wouldn’t you agree)

Get access to wholesale pricing (25% discount)

No monthly order required (unless you join dōTerra’s Loyalty Rewards Program, which in my opinion, is the best way to build your oily collection)

Option to receive 10-30% of your total purchase back in FREE product points (on top of the 25% discount) to order FREE oil (and don’t we all love freebies? I know I do )

Eligibility to receive dōTERRA’s FREE Product of the Month (again – FREEBIES!)

My ongoing one on one support as well as support in our amazing team. So what will this includes: a free 20 minute call either phone / SKYPE / ZOOM wellness consultation to help get you set up with an account and to select the right oils for you;

A free consultation once your oils have arrived to make sure you know how to use them and get the best out of them.

Access to a few Facebook group where you can ask any and all questions, share your experiences, and be supported by many other wonderful people on their journey!

Whether you are wanting to use these for personal use, or to get your oils for free and make some extra cash, getting a wholesale account is really a no-brainer and I seriously mean that

Don’t panic if you don’t have much experience with essential oils honestly I was a virgin now I feel like I’m a professional. There are so many resources to help (easily) guide you on your journey that I am more than happy to share with you.

How to set up a wholesale account:

Here’s what you do:


Click “Join and Save” up the top

Choose your language and country

Choose where you would like your products shipped from (obviously the closest to you)

Choose Wholesale Customer unless you wish  to earn money as well then click Wellness Advocate

Enter your contact and shipping info

At Enroller ID, if it’s not here already, enter my number:5455323

Hit submit

Select your wholesale starter kit from the top

Take look at our amazing stuff you can get your hands on here

Click GBP £28 introductory packet (this is your membership, ignore if you have selected a kit)

Enter in your payment information and then click “Process Order Now and Continue”

So nothing much to it if you have any questions please feel free to email me on

After signing up, you’ll receive a confirmation email from dōTERRA with your wholesale membership number and will then be able to log in and manage your orders. You will also receive a welcome email from yours truly, followed by another couple in the coming weeks with loads of fabulous information – including how to source roller bottles, carrier oils and links to great informative reads and apps


Joining this program means you can earn free product points and free shipping points with every purchase. These product points increase every 3 months from 10% to 30% at 12 months. If you ever used a frequent flyer programme this is how it works. If you’ve any questions, please get in contact and I can help explain it a little better.

If you would like to try a FREE SAMPLE before you buy I will arrange a quick call with you. Click here to book your free consultation (UK Only)


We respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information (name, address, email, etc.) to any third party.

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