Why Prevention Is Better Than Cure
I came upon a very long report by the BMA and could not stop reading the section about preventative care. The data analysed by the BMA briefing shows that the potential contribution of public health, being limited by underinvestment in prevention activities and in some areas funding cuts.
Rhetoric versus reality: The cost of preventing ill-health – Across the UK, commitments to prioritise ill-health prevention and public health are not matched by funding commitments. While this is demonstrated by a decline in spending on various public health activities at a national level in Northern Ireland and Wales (with relatively stable but low levels of funding in Scotland), it is most apparent with the cuts to local authority public health funding in England.
The BMA believes these cuts will have a devastating effect on the health of the public and on primary care workload and sustainability.
The latest figures stated for preventative care were in 2014 £9.1 million and that rose by very little in 2015 to £9.6 million. The overall average figure spent on preventative care according to the article I read was 5.2% of the health budget.
There lies the proof, if we want to do something about preventing illness rather than wait to be ill and hope we will be made better we have to take action ourselves.
As a product consultant for essential oils I feel privileged to have the knowledge and the product that can help me stay fitter and healthier for longer. I also feel that I must share this knowledge with others. Think about this; Many of us worry about the future of our NHS so we must help where we can. I can help others to find the preventative care they need. What’s more I have the proof they work as my health and well being has improved since I started my daily wellness routine along with my family.
I truly believe that if we all took notice of information like this and put Prevention before Cure, so many of us would feel the benefits.
Please feel free to message me to help you on your health journey. Or to talk about any concerns I may be able to help you with
