The comparison of YL v doTERRA
👉Young Living oil prices are higher than DõTERRA
👉YL wholesale savings is 24% off retail VS DõTERRA is 25% and this is off of lower starting prices….see above.
👉YL Loyalty Rewards Program earns you a maximum of 25% product credit and takes you 25 months to earn the maximum. Young Living requires 3 consecutive months of greater than 50 PV purchase to earn one free oil. VS DõTERRA LRP earns a maximum of 30% product credit and takes only 13 months to earn that.
👉YL requires a minimum LRP purchase of 50 PV EVERY month VS dõTERRA requires a minimum of 1 PV per month to maintain your LRP.
👉YL has NO renewal fee vs dõTERRA has a $25 annual renewal fee but you get a FREE 15ml bottle of Peppermint (a $27.33 retail value) as a gift when you renew.
👉 YL has a tierred Promo with the more you purchase the more free product you receive but limits it to 1 purchase per account VS DõTERRA gives you a free oil EACH month that you purchase 125 PV by the 15th and has several 200PV promotions throughout the year with a limit of 5 orders per account.
👉Young Living allows you to only redeem up to 375 product credit points per month VS dõTERRA allows you redeem as many product credit points as you have available …there is no limit.
👉YL has shipping charges that start at $6 and increase significantly depending on package weight VS dõTERRA has set shipping costs that start at $4 no matter the weight or number of boxes of your order. Plus, shipping costs are REIMBURSED to you in the form of product credit.💜
